First question that most people ask: why the extra u? Was it just to get the shorter domain name?

Answer: partially yes, but it is also because I am a Unitarian Universalist. My faith colors much of my life, and very much shapes the kind of research I do. I anticipate that many surveys I conduct will actually be examining UU issues specifically or only open to UUs from my own congregation or others. I will also have other completely unrelated surveys on here.

As I am posting this, I am actively planning to use this site for some independent research projects (in other words, have not gone through IRB, since I’m not currently affiliated with an institution that has an IRB).  I used the survey software I have installed to collect primary data for my Master’s Thesis, which did go through Cleveland State University’s IRB. It examined demographic interactions with perinatal care providers’ Likert Scale agreement to items derived from the Ten Steps to a Baby-Friendly Hospital. I collected more than 100 valid responses. If you’d like to read it, send me an email. It was never formally unpublished since I planned to redo the study later when I started my PhD work and those plans have since changed (I can’t find a relevant Sociology program that I can actually logistically plan to attend so I’m planning to go for a PhD in Education focusing on accessibility issues in higher education instead then maybe use what I compile from that work to get a 2nd PhD in Sociology from some university that will let me be a beta tester of the concepts).

Being a generally socially curious person, it’s quite likely that I’ll post some surveys that are just my general interest in the diversity of my own social connections and such, and interest in how people find me through my social networks. I’ll try to remember to put a link here if I open participation in such a general way instead of needing more specific sample populations.

Another question that’s likely to come up: what software are you running on this site?

Answer: you’re reading these words on a WordPress install (makes my life a bit simpler since it integrates into my Android devices), and I use LimeSurvey’s open-source survey software installed on my server instead of their cloud for data collection.

I’ll likely answer more questions here, and hopefully eventually post a bit of what is going on with my active research projects (and other stuff that catches my sociological eye), so feel free to stop by and say “hi” even if you’re not actively participating in my research. If you are a fellow UU social researcher and would like to use my install of LimeSurvey for your own congregation (or the denomination at large), or would like me to develop a survey for your congregation (or other UU group) feel free to contact me – Twitter (see feed on the right sidebar) and Facebook both work well, I don’t feel like dealing with spam by linking an email address here. My current plan is to not charge personally for such services, but instead to ask for a donation to a UU organization instead, so long as demand doesn’t get too intense.

If you found me through my business card, the “Freelance Creatress” label keeps me very busy, but doesn’t exactly pay well. We get by primarily on my husband’s high school science teacher income.  I don’t have much spare cash to give worthy organizations so I’m hoping to maybe get some funding heading their way through my talents instead. I won’t say no to being paid, but I’m not seeking it because I know others need the income more. If you’re curious about my other projects, or me as a general person, scroll up and click the “About Ahmie” tab.

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